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What is a Pre-Drywall Inspection?

One way to ensure that a house is built according to its specifications is by performing a pre-drywall inspection. “Pre-drywall” refers to a phase during the homebuilding process that comes just after the installation of certain elements but right before the drywall is hung. This in-progress or construction-phase inspection is useful because drywall can obscure some aspects of the interior and make identifying or fixing any problems both difficult and expensive, once the new home is completely finished.
A pre-drywall inspection can also be performed after the insulation is installed, which is convenient because it allows the home inspector to determine whether it was done properly. However, the insulation may conceal some components in much of the same way that drywall does. 

What is inspected during a Pre-Drywall inspection?

During a pre-drywall walk-through, the areas of the house that the inspector can check include:

  • the foundation;
  • floor system;
  • roof system;
  • wall system;
  • plumbing system;
  • electrical system;
  • HVAC;
  • exterior wall covering;
  • roof covering; and
  • the interior.

An important element to this inspection is the report. In our report, we include photos and comments of all our findings. This is beneficial to you because it gives you the peace of mind knowing that our non-biased inspectors “inspected for the unexpected.”

Contact Us today to schedule your Pre-Drywall Inspection!